Friday 26 December 2008

Go GREEN motion graphics

During then everyone has to choose a color as a theme, so is like a lucky draw from lecturer and I got GREEN. So this is a motion graphics where green is the theme and I have use origami to present the motion graphics. Paper is often associates with saving the trees, so I related origami to this piece of motion graphic where the Green is to represent the EARTH. The red little paper cut man is to draw the attention, so as to alert all of us that the EARTH is our home! who else is going to protect our mother earth besides US as human being. 

Saturday 6 September 2008

Friday 5 September 2008

my first character design

My first Character design for my beta year in Film and Animation.... I have chosen a hedgehog to be my subject for developing a animation character. I name the character Alfred, the Hedgehog....

The progress

here it goes...! my 1st ever character animation design...

Monday 2 June 2008

the begining of my journey

2007, I will remember this year forever as i can finally set on my path to pursue my dream. Regardless the objections from my parents... I stepped in Multimedia University taking Film and Animation to begin my journey...

remember the 1st year in faculty of creative multimedia, FCM, Design fundamental class is the most stressful class ever... but the outcome is fruitful from all the hard work I labored in my artwork.

the design fundamental project that deal with color, I choose the story about my mother, telling the story of her Chinese instrument Qin Qin:

then the last semester of my 1st year foundation, I choose angler fish to be my subject to tell about WAR! =)

 those are the concept arts and progression for the final model, a sculpture that in the end being selected to display in e-gallery in FCM. =)