Wednesday 29 September 2010

my photography ^^ travel to BALI

I love photography, I love travel to many places and to take photograph. Bali, a wonderful place, I just can't stop myself from taking photograph and all that I see through my lens become my memory.What an extraordinary trip in such a beautiful place!! =)

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Internship PART IV

3 months of intern finally come to an end... I have experienced and learned a lot more than I expected.. and it is fun to get to know more people from the same field, learn how to communicate better in a working environment. Everyday busy with work but it is a satisfaction that I can feel everyday. Even though can say almost every day we have to work over time, well shooting of course... but I just feel so happy and satisfied with this kind of working routine. And I also want to thank my boss, Michael Chuah who has taught me a lot of things, giving advise and given me so many chances to improve myself and also to apply my skills. I also feel very glad that there is my senior my supervisor Jayson who taught me a lot too especially in VFX.... What I have learned during internship I believe is going to help me a lot in my final year project!!

Sunday 12 September 2010

Internship PART III

Before the internship period coming to an end, I have a chance to improve my skill in doing matte painting for the company. Even though is just for simple shots of the project the company is doing; as all my other tasks are completed, personally I feel glad to take this last task before I left the company. Here are some of the matte painting I have done.

Some of the buildings are created and textured using MAYA then all the matte painting is completed using Photoshop.

Also, here are some of the 3D model objects that I have done for the project of the company throughout the 3 months.

Wednesday 1 September 2010

Internship PART II

I wanna share my life during intern and experiencing a real production shooting! Is exciting, I was in charge of props for the Art Department for the shooting, working under Art Director. EVO Pictures company is associates with Astro in the production of Public Service Announcement of Stop Music Piracy for Astro Hitz. Here are some screenshots of the PSA.

From these production shooting, scouting for locations, renting equipments, problems solving are all in relates to be a critical thinking person. During shooting we need to act fast and always be prepare to catch up with the schedule. This is really a great experience for me...