Tuesday 1 March 2011

FYP production =)

Yes! my team, LimeLight Production are now in production stage after the animatics is approved by our lecturers. Me, as the producer has to get the location confirmed, all the lighting equipment ready, casts confirmed and also the budget and props are all ready... We are lucky because we are allow to borrow my father's friend house for shooting, the family was so kind and friendly to us as we more or less have to mess up a little of the dining room of the house. It is a 5 days shooting for our short film. 4 Sundays interior and 1 day exterior. It was tiring but is fun! We work according to the scenes breakdown, starting from morning 7am and we finish till midnight for most of the shooting day. We also hire a make up artist Ms.Vanita for our monster make up. The difficult parts of the production is to get the lighting right, as we are working on a noir style, so we need to play around we the lights setting so that we can achieve the noir style and mood. Prepare and looking for props and costume also another difficult thing to be done, as the set and background of the short film is during 1940s rich chinese family and the interior of the house should be a British colonial style of a wealthy chinese family background, so we spend almost a month to get all the props ready, lucky is that some of the props I can get it from my own house (thanks to my ancestor that my family still keep some of the old things) and also the house we are using for production shooting, all the furniture are the old chinese wooden style, hence it solve our problems. Special thanks to all the cast and also the Lau family who is so kind to let us use the house for shooting. =) These are some behind the scenes photos!!

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